Keys 50k-Back to the Races at My Favorite Place! : Run Natural Coach Blogspot

Keys 50k-Back to the Races at My Favorite Place!

by Dawn Lisenby on 06/16/17

Finished Keys 50k- 11th overall, 6th female and first in my age group at 6:08:08. I am ecstatic to say the least after having been away from racing an ultra since last years Keys 50.

Really felt solid all day with my nutrition, as well as physically, to hit my goal of 5 miles per hour with even splits. As always at the Keys the heat must be managed or you will falter. I was aided in that department, incredibly well, by my best gal who is now seasoned at crewing here. She was always waiting with what I needed so I never had to stop. Then was by my side the last 5 miles to keep me moving strong when I was attempting to maintain a lead over another competitor. I can not thank her enough for her helping me to achieve this result.

It does take a village and I truly appreciate the support of mine, from the products that keep me running happy, to the people who cheer me on. Focused now on recovery in anticipation of some more FUN, ultra style, at L2O 100k in 2 weeks.
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